The APsolute RecAP: Music Theory Edition

The APsolute RecAP: Music Theory Edition - Embellishing Tones Dictation

Episode Summary

Episode 30 will test your knowledge on embellishing tones with 10 listening examples to identify.

Episode Notes

Episode 30 will test your knowledge on embellishing tones with 10 listening examples to identify (1:08). For further practice, notate each example in the key of C major.

Question of the day: What type of embellishing tone from this episode will not likely show up on the AP exam? (6:06)

Thank you for listening to The APsolute RecAP: Music Theory Edition!

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Episode Transcription

Hi and welcome to the APsolute Recap: Music Theory Edition. Today’s episode will recap Embellishing Tones Dictation

Lets Zoom out: 

We’re in Unit 6 Harmony and Voice Leading III: Embellishments,

Motives, and Melodic Devices

Topic 6.1-6.4

Our Big idea is pitch

This episode will challenge you to identify the different types of embellishing tones through a dictation. You may choose to do this simply as a listening identification quiz, although it would be good practice to write down the notes as a dictation typically implies.

The possible choices are passing tones, neighbor tones, anticipations, escape tones, appoggiaturas, acciaccaturas, pedal points, retardations and suspensions. We will work all in the key of C major. 

Lets Zoom in: 

What types of embellishing tones are shown in these examples?

  1. (play example 4 times) Anticipation
  2. (play example 4 times) Escape Tone
  3. (play example 4 times) Suspension 
  4. (play example 4 times) Pedal Point
  5. (play example 4 times) Retardation
  6. (play example 4 times) Acciaccatura 
  7. (play example 4 times) Upper Neighbor
  8. (play example 4 times) Appoggiatura
  9. (play example 4 times) Passing tone
  10. (play example 4 times) Lower Neighbor

To recap……

Embellishing tones come in many forms. Here are simple examples of each: passing tones (ascending or descending ABC/CBA), neighbor tones (lower CBC or upper CDC), retardations (ascending CCD), suspensions (descending CCB), anticipations (DCC), escape tones (CDB), appoggiaturas (ACB on strong beats), acciaccaturas (Crush through notes of any embellishing tone) and finally pedal points (one sustained pitch while others move).

Coming up next on the Apsolute RecAP Music Theory Edition: Tonicization through Secondary Dominant Chords

Today’s Question of the day is about Embellishing tones

Question: What type of embellishing tone from this episode will not likely show up on the AP exam?